Ministry Donations

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THANK YOU! Your generous contribution to my ministry allows me to continue sharing the message of God’s love to more and more people.  With your help, we’ll be able to keep the bus rolling and keep spreading the word – day after day, week after week and year after year.

The Donate Today button above will let you make a donation to Tony Gore Ministries using Paypal.   You can make a one time offering or if you prefer you can make it a recurring monthly donation. Any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated and please know that your contribution will help spread The Word to even more people. Simply click on the Donate Today button above.

If you prefer you can mail a donation to:
Tony Gore Ministries
P.O. Box 6099
Sevierville, TN 37864

Your 100% tax deductible gift goes toward our mission of spreading God’s Word through music and community outreach. Each year I travel to many Churches and Community Groups, covering thousands of miles and meeting thousands of wonderful people and your support keeps that happening!  You will also be helping with something that is a real blessing to be able to do. Each Christmas season, Tony Gore Ministries partners with The Bridge Ministry in Nashville, TN to help provide a nice, warm Christmas dinner for the homeless and underprivileged people of Nashville. Nashville has over 11,000 homeless men, women and children….we have also helped The Lost Sheep Ministry in Knoxville, TN with their Christmas meal as well…PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PICTURES of this great Ministry!

Your prayers, and donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Tony Gore