I’d love for you to join us in the Smoky Mountains this December for a brand new four day, three night event that will give us an opportunity to get away from the routine and stress of life in a location where we can really focus on celebrating the reason for the season.
Eleven artists are coming together December 3-6 for a memorable experience in one of the top family vacation destinations in America – Pigeon Forge, Tennessee! This unique event is being held at the upscale Black Fox Lodge, conveniently located just off the main parkway and only 8 miles from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park – the most visited park in America. The lodge-style hotel overlooks the Little Pigeon River and all rooms for our Smoky Mountain Christmas event have a river view with a balcony! The package pricing also includes two catered meals by Tony Gore. Known for having the best BBQ in the Smokies! We will enjoy Tony’s famous barbecue with sides and desert and a traditional Christmas dinner of Ham and Turkey and all the trimmings! Here’s a link where you can learn more, register online or download and print a registration form to mail in your deposit.
Register early, a small deposit secures your spot: http://www.smokymtnchristmas.com/about/ Once you register, if you are on Facebook, would you go to our Smoky Mountain Christmas page and let us know you’re coming? And while you’re there, would you “like” the page and share it with your friends and family? Here’s a link to the page –> https://www.facebook.com/asmokymtnchristmas We hope to see you in Pigeon Forge this December. We are going to make some incredible memories together! Blessings,